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The Journey of Prayer and Devotion
Poetry by Gill Schwartz

(The Wholelife Energy Bond)

Celestial beings of Light or E.T.s, I can't tell which,
but unquestionably they come from unimaginable
distances across space or dimension
with highest caring and intent.
I'm seated, meditating; they encircle above my head.
Each with a different and precise task,
they work in smooth synchronicity
They open my skull along the sutures, with painless ease,
then perform directly on my brain, in my psyche,
They place forty or fifty leads to nodal points there.
Made of a nerve substance, flexible and translucent,
The leads fuse naturally to my flesh, to my psyche,
become expanded antennas out into the universe.
Through them, my consciousness is shifted,
made more expansive, permeable, joy-filled.
From an awareness outside my own,
I witness them fuse the ends of my leads
to other leads likewise projecting out round
other beings brains' and psyches.
(Some are humans' , some not.)
I feel totally safe and reassured, at peace throughout,
though totally awed and astounded.

Each such fusion opens my scope of knowing
to that other's realm and view, as galactic as my own,
and totally different. These revelations in world-views,
build in intensify till I am raised
to yet another realm of consciousness.
Here I experience the resonance of
all our individual beings and psyches
merged in the overriding harmonics of
the Wholelife Energy Bond, the Cosmic WEB.
With visionary sight, I see that each of us are particles,
cell-selves in this Cosmic Brain.

Yet we remain unique -I am still I- in this Infinite Eye.
Though I am but a speck in this Mind's far reaches, yet,
through the luminous links of the Wholelife Energy Bond,
Its thoughts flow through my mind, transforms it.
Joy ascends into ecstatic eternities,
Its astounds me like bone-trembling earth-shifts,
like watching an orange-yellow moon swallowed
then reborn through eclipse.



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Copyright Nathaniel Schwartz 2003   www.WisdomVisions.com


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