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The Journey of Prayer and Devotion
Poetry by Gill Schwartz

What You Are

What you are can never be objectified,
can never be localized.
When you are not identified with the person
you perceive yourself to be,
who you think you are, then you are free
to experience yourself as you truly are.
There is no other intention than being
at one with yourself.

Any grasping for answers or solutions
keeps you in a very narrow, distorting
surface of your being. Whatever you observe
of yourself is to be held in, "I don't know.
I just watch in spacious wonder."

There is nothing to attain,
because you already are
what you are looking for.
You are the Looker
looking for the Looker.
When you taste that truth,
there is a natural giving up
of those obsessive activities of
judging and analyzing.
You will be comfortably drawn
into the core of your heart
where true being is sourced.


Copyright Nathaniel Schwartz 2003   www.WisdomVisions.com


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Registered Copyright Nathaniel Schwartz 2003