
One. Initiation. In fierce blessing,
a Two-edged Offering, Eye is born.
Seed of awareness to be transformed
to Self or dark delusion. Cosmosis begins.


Two. Establishment. A microcosmos come
awake. Separate and unique, Eye flows out
to claim sensations and forms that arise
to illuminate the glory of "me".


Three. Elaboration. Self-entranced epicenter
of its microcosmic Four Square Temple and
Sacred Hoop of Flame, Eye assumes itself the font, universal focal point, creator of all known.


Four. Conflict. The unrelenting intermeshing
of archetypal antipodes — Eternity's Ouroborus and Time's Stepped Spiral. Faith rouses Eye to see inner truth from outer, discern self from circumstance.


Five. Expansion and Contraction. Alternate
pulsating waves gather and swirl the shards of Conflict and rouse Eye to Center amidst the tenuous flux of coming into being and passing away.


Six. Separation. Time and Eternity, heaven and earth are sundered in the merciless jaws of the Dragons of Duality. Eye is shreded by these ultimate adversaries. Preparation for death?... For rebirth?...


Seven. Mortification. Dark Night comes.
Eye turns to prey on itself and Death becomes the Way. Nothing survives the endless dark endings but the soul's relentless quest for sight.


Eight. Rebirth. Old self perished, Eye springs forth, new born to higher vision, a fresh octave of awakened being. Fixed in own selfhood, Eye sees itself.


Nine. Multiplication. Eye manifests fullness
of being, thus comes into resonance with other
self-fulfilled Eyes in universal participation. Many
"me's" synergize into "We". Cosmosis expands.


Ten. Unification. Conscious link through the
Wholelife Energy Bond brings each Eye to see
the reality of every other Eye: each a lucent pearl reflecting all the others participating in the Work of Cosmosis.


Eleven. Culmination. With WEB as matrix,
all joined Eyes merge with All Seeing Eye.
Every Eye is a self-knowing cell through
which True Self sees. Cosmosis is fulfilled.